What Do Your Accessories Say About You?
Long ago I was a tom
boy. More of a Wogboy than a Wogarella. The only accessories you would've spotted me wearing are the studs my mum made me keep
in my lobes in order to prevent my ear hole from closing. Or possibly to avert
any chance of an infection. But that is Too Much Information my friends.
Anyways now that I am almost a grown up (yes, 22 and still can’t believe it.) I
have noticed that I bloody LOVE accessories. Partly because they are my cure for
fat days/shit-skin days/when I don’t know what to wear days.
At the moment thought, I have a
slight obsession with ALL things Neon. I know, how very unique of me. In fact
this obsession is a little out of control. I only realised it when I stalk-booked
myself. Come on, as if you don’t do it! It was a quiet Saturday night and I
really couldn't be bothered to go out... But yes, back to this vital discovery,
the last few profile pictures I successfully upload included fluro yellow in some form!
People even made mention of the obsession. I’m not sure is it’s more awkward
that I admitted that my photo was “Successful” due to the amount of likes it
received or that someone pointed it out. I’m not overly sensitive so I laughed it
off. But that next day I went shopping. And sure enough I bought myself a Fluro watch
from Sports Girl. As well as a... erm, fluro kaftan.GUILTY MUCH?!
What do you think of my watch?
Whilst I haven’t quite figured out how to set it just yet, I don’t really care because it just makes me SO happy. Happy enough to pose for a photo at 7.30am. Mind the hair, 'twas a stinking hot day, not even Keratin treatment could have saved me.
Enough with the
Selfies. Whilst I know this fascination with neon will eventually fade, I have applied for a mortgage, as I am currently renting out a huge space in my heart for my Type Writer pendant. In fact, I heart it
so much that after receiving it on my Birthday (FYI May) this year, I can probably
count how many times I have removed it from my neck on one hand.
It’s cute isn't it? The reason I love it so much is because it was gifted to me by my mother. The same Arab mother who openly discloses her hatred for my obsession with type writers. If you ask her it has nothing to do with the fact that they may be out dated and a little over priced, but because “They are dust collectors!!!”
To be honest I feel this pendant symbolizes a lot more to me. It symbolizes my mother’s acceptance of my true passion. My passion to succeed as a writer. Not that she was ever against any form of education- she was the first one to insist I further my studies and apply for uni. However, she wanted me to do what most nice Lebanese girls do and study teaching, simply because “It’s a good job.Perfect for the future. You will get to break for holidays when your children do!” Ah bless, even up until about a week before graduation she insisted I re-enrol for a Masters of Teaching. Who knows? Look, maybe I am just over thinking and my mum simply saw my face light up when we had passed the window of a jewelry store in Leichardt. Regardless, it is one of my prized possessions.
Emotional stuff aside,
I came across this cuff.
I like bikes. Do you like bikes? Everyone likes bikes!
Except for my sisters of course.That’s because they were never given the opportunity
to ride a bike. Yet another complex my parents have instilled in us. Only not I, because I've always been a rebel and probably owned more BMX’s and Roller
Blades than I currently own clothes.
Have you jumped on the
fluro-fly-flagging band wagon too?
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