
Monday, 28 May 2012

To Straighten or not to Straighten?!

Wogarella has been faced with a little dilemma as of late.  In fact some would  call it a first world problem. And in case you're wondering, it's not the fact that I have started referring to myself in third person.

You see I was born with curly locks. And growing up I hated them, but once I turned about 16 years of age and slowly toned down my tomboy antics, I realised that maybe my curls weren’t such a curse after all.

But the problem is, I use a number of products to maintain it, and although I pride myself on looking after it, before I know it a whole year has passed and I haven’t even thought to get a cut, because to be honest, I hardly notice split ends as my hair is relatively healthy. But every time I have an event and I get a blow-dry, I stop and think that maybe, just maybe my thick luscious hair is actually quite pretty when it’s straight. Lord knows it appeals to a lot more people. But the thing is, as much as I like taking in other people’s opinions, I usually just stick to my guns and keep my virginal hair in the same style, only allowing my hairdresser to trim it, after making a deal with him whereby he swears to save as much length of my tresses whilst sitll making use of his scissors.

I love my curls, I really do, and after all they embody my crazy personality. Only for once in my life, I feel as though I am ready for a change. Specifically as winter has graced us, getting up to wash my hair every morning isn’t something I’m too enthusiastic about. So dear friends, I put this out to you, do you believe I should go ahead with an organic treatment whereby my hair will be appear 60% smoother and straighter?

I know some of you are reading this shaking your heads because your hair has probably seen every shade of the rainbow, but mine is still the same colour, only a little more mature than my date of birth of course. And that is something I doubt I’ll ever change, because thanks to the Good Lord I have been blessed with a decent hair colour, which just fits so well with my olive skin tone.

So really, can you please help a sister out?! I’ve booked my three and a half hour session at a reputable hair salon for Wednesday night. I’ve been told the treatment will last approximately 5-6 months and won’t harm my curls in the process as opposed to the chemicals used in the generic keratin products that have been publicised recently.

Now before you make up your mind, I’ve included some visual aid of both my natural fuzzball and a fresh blow-dry. PS Please don’t judge the fact that I have no make up in the straight haired pic!!


Lots of love,

Wogarella Xx


  1. WOW! Curly or Straight they both look good!

    Personally, curls on women are adorable. It's who you are, you are born with it. I believe that it differentiates you from the rest of the crowd, it's very exotic!

    I'm going to be objective here, i say go for the treatment, it wouldn't hurt it's only 5 to 6 months, correct? and not permanent. If it's something you want to do, do it.

    I know that i'm shifting topic here, however, i've always wanted Rhinoplasty, i came to the realisation that my nose has character and it's cute.

    I will not deny plastic surgery all together, if something bothers me, i'll do it. Moral of the story is, if you come to accept your features and if it doesn't bother you at all, don't do it. If it does, do it!

    Keratin or not: Give it a go!

  2. i wuv your curls sister!
    Keratin isnt the worst thing you could do to your hair - i have had it 3 or 4 times, it just makes your hair easier to maintain.

    your gorgeous both ways but I am all for a bit of change here and there so go for it

    luv Bee
