
Monday, 28 May 2012

To Straighten or not to Straighten?!

Wogarella has been faced with a little dilemma as of late.  In fact some would  call it a first world problem. And in case you're wondering, it's not the fact that I have started referring to myself in third person.

You see I was born with curly locks. And growing up I hated them, but once I turned about 16 years of age and slowly toned down my tomboy antics, I realised that maybe my curls weren’t such a curse after all.

But the problem is, I use a number of products to maintain it, and although I pride myself on looking after it, before I know it a whole year has passed and I haven’t even thought to get a cut, because to be honest, I hardly notice split ends as my hair is relatively healthy. But every time I have an event and I get a blow-dry, I stop and think that maybe, just maybe my thick luscious hair is actually quite pretty when it’s straight. Lord knows it appeals to a lot more people. But the thing is, as much as I like taking in other people’s opinions, I usually just stick to my guns and keep my virginal hair in the same style, only allowing my hairdresser to trim it, after making a deal with him whereby he swears to save as much length of my tresses whilst sitll making use of his scissors.

I love my curls, I really do, and after all they embody my crazy personality. Only for once in my life, I feel as though I am ready for a change. Specifically as winter has graced us, getting up to wash my hair every morning isn’t something I’m too enthusiastic about. So dear friends, I put this out to you, do you believe I should go ahead with an organic treatment whereby my hair will be appear 60% smoother and straighter?

I know some of you are reading this shaking your heads because your hair has probably seen every shade of the rainbow, but mine is still the same colour, only a little more mature than my date of birth of course. And that is something I doubt I’ll ever change, because thanks to the Good Lord I have been blessed with a decent hair colour, which just fits so well with my olive skin tone.

So really, can you please help a sister out?! I’ve booked my three and a half hour session at a reputable hair salon for Wednesday night. I’ve been told the treatment will last approximately 5-6 months and won’t harm my curls in the process as opposed to the chemicals used in the generic keratin products that have been publicised recently.

Now before you make up your mind, I’ve included some visual aid of both my natural fuzzball and a fresh blow-dry. PS Please don’t judge the fact that I have no make up in the straight haired pic!!


Lots of love,

Wogarella Xx

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Wogarella Pops her Sushi Train Cherry

Believe it or not, as cultured as I am I have never actually tried Sushi. It’s not as though I’ve never been offered Sushi. It is a favourite at several events and most of my girlfriends often ask if we can all meet for Sushi. Which intern routinely accept the fact that I am cringing at the thought of “Chinese Food”.

This is obviously a misconception, because embarrassingly enough, Sushi originates from Japan. Haha clearly Geography isn’t my strong point.

Anyways, recently a very dear friend and colleague of mine has been offered an amazing job, which means that I will no longer have my Salad –loving partner in crime to spend lunch with. And as it seems, for the past 10 months, I have been missing out on Sushi trains. Whilst I will hardly ever purchase Sushi from any old place, I believe it was a great experience!

The thing is, my religious beliefs put me in an awkward position, there are a lot of options on the menu which I can’t eat. But I trekked through the vegetarian sushi menu and ordered an avocado And cucumber sushi roll. Followed by a teriyaki chicken sushi roll I excitedly grabbed off of the swiftly moving sushi train. And believe it or not after eating only four tiny pieces of Sushi, (dipped in soy sauce and wasabi of course) I was absolutely famished. I'm not sure of its because I'm on a health kick, or because I don't eat white rice often. 

Whilst my friends were churning down their sashimi and slurping up their miso soup, which I later learn is a really salty soup, soy based too. I think I will try that next time.  But my all time favourite dish would have to be the Edamame. This stuff was a winner! Edamame for those who like me have been living under a rock is steamed soy beans, which are salty and incredibly fresh. The fun part is rather than manually opening them as you do with snowpeas, you force them out with your teeth, ensuring you teeth are placed at the end of the Edamame and pull it out of your mouth, as you pull then lovely bursts of goodness enters your mouth. It's simple. Yet I am amazed. I clearly need to get out more. Well out of comfort zone that is!

I must admit that I am a bit of a tech freak, very much so a typical Gen Y kid because I was  impressed by the fact that you can order your plates via an iPad. Whilst they aren't geniuses, it is definitely a cute little idea, especially because it saves me from awkwardly asking the waitress what is in this and that because the commotion around us including the ever revolving sushi train and excited customers, with chop sticks clasped in their hands was becoming a bit overwhelming. Much like that jam-packed sentence to be honest. 

Wogarella's verdict: It's got nothing on home made tabouli, but I would do it again. 

Ps Please see visual evidence below visual evidence of an after meal shot. Quit judging me, I was far too excited to take pics whilst I tried  each of the lovely dishes that were placed before me. 


Wogarella Xx

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Happy Mama's Day


Before I get into this post I just wanted to let you know that most mother’s days begin the same in my household, I awake, kiss my mum and embrace her with a hug. Which is a rarity, because my mum to be quite honest isn’t a kissy-huggy of type of person.

But this year, Mother’s Day means a whole lot more to me. This morning as I was brewing a pot of Lebanese coffee for my mum I had a many thoughts running through my mind. You see, this week started off just great, it was my birthday; I spent a lovely afternoon dining with my mother and sisters, followed by a calorie induced coma on Monday during work hours. But on Tuesday my family awoke to the horrible news that a very dear friend of ours had passed away. Now I’m not going to write a Eulogy, but I will say this, today two little girls won’t have the opportunity to celebrate Mother’s Day with their incredible mum. But they do have an amazing Grandmother and a brood of Aunties and Uncles by their side. 

Without sounding too philosophical, life can end with a blink of an eye. So please keep your petty problems aside. Hug your friends and family members a little tighter and always let them know that despite your differences they are an important part of your life.

I would like to leave you all with a poem I wrote for my mum whilst on the train about two weeks ago.  Yes because clearly that’s when the creativity bug kicks in…

She is the first person one might form a relationship with, the person who introduces you to love, guidance and affection. And will probably continue to do so until her dying day. She has the right to raise her voice, yet demand respect only minutes later. 

Her almond shaped eyes I have inherited, her clever antics I have adopted, but most importantly her genuine love I have treasured. 

This lost soul could search near and far, cross-countries and continents, but no other person will compare. She's certainly not the epitome of perfection, nor can she be counted as below average. But hey, she's my mama, my one and only confidante! 

When others have mistreated this child, she has been there to announce that my foolishness was evident, but there beside me, time and time again I felt her strong fingers grasp the tips of my fingers. 

I would spare anything if it were to shield me from her look of disappointment. Many a slippers were dodged, as we're silly chores my sisters were made to do.

One woman, felt her feet at heavens doors many times before, yet God continues to give her strength and bless both her family and friends with her existence. Zeina Moustafa, Mama, I love you.

Happy Mothers day!! 

Wogarella Xx