
Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Fan Girl Moment 101:TLC are coming to Australia!

Yes, you read that correctly! 

If, like me you were lucky enough to live through the 90s, at one stage you probably went to bed hoping you would awake as an African American female vocalist. 

Let's be honest, you probably still do, BEYONCE MUCH?! 

Australia's music scene has never been short of excitement, but as someone who sang all the wrong lyrics to "Waterfall***" as a kid, I'm happy to rectify my mistakes on Friday, the 6th of June. 

The duo, will be performing at The Enmore Theatre in Sydney for one night only! 

Details for the national tour are as follows:

Friday, 6th of June Enmore Theatre, Sydney 
Saturday, 7th of June Eatons Hall, Brisbane 
Wednesday, 11th of June, Palais Theatre, Melbourne
Friday, 13th of June, Metro City, Perth

Tickets are available for purchase as of Thursday 24th of April. 

I'll leave you with one of my favourite songs. Warning, you'll probably have it on repeat for the remainder of your week. 

***Yes the lyrics I used to sing were "Don't go Jason Waterfall." Thanks to the wise ears of my girl band obsessed friends, I now know the girls were suggesting that you "Don't go chasing waterfalls."



I've been MIA. But with good reason, I promise! #LifeUpdate

Hi lovers,

It's been a while!

I wont lie, in between the Christmas break the past few months I've been a busy bee. Undertaking everything from a Masters Degree, to low-carb diets, straight through to bridesmaid duties-my baby sister from another mister is getting married, whooot whooot!

I've missed the blogosphere, but have admittedly been ridiculously active on Instagram and Twitter, so feel free to follow me and take pleasure in a good few hours of stalking. 

However, one of the most exciting projects I’ve been working on is one that I've been putting off for years. No, I'm not getting a nose job. Thank God my Woggy genes don't consist of massive noses. I am however, finally putting my verbal diarrhoea to good use by partnering up with an old Uni buddy and producing our very own weekly radio show. 

We've called it The # Carlos and Abi Show. Yes, you read that right. "The HASHTAG, Carlos and Abi Show." 

It's an easy listening show if I do say so myself, with content mostly based around all things popular culture. 

Enough bias bullsh*t from me though, because it's taken us a while, but with the use of Carlos' handy MAC, we've managed to record our very own podcast! Enjoy putting a voice to the words, and selfie-featuring face to the Wogarella you currently know. I doubt you would expect any less huskiness, ha!

*Carlos and I being Boofheads in the studio

Be sure to tune in to Triple H Fm on Mondays between 7pm-8pm. PS next Monday, Carlos and I will be speaking to the lovely Joelle (X Factor) about her latest single, her insanely fabulous brows, and any other inappropriate questions I'm sure we will come up with. So, with Tabouli in hand, set your Tune In Radio App to the 100.1FM frequency, and enjoy the show!

PSS If you're feeling extra charitable/sociable, feel free to give us a call on 8086 1900. 

